/230///-----///https://img1.daumcdn.net/thumb/R750x0/?scode=mtistory2&fname=https%3A%2F%2Ft1.daumcdn.net%2Fcfile%2Ftistory%2F999162385AE96DEB25///-----///아무거나///-----///2018. 5. 2. 17:30///-----///아인슈타인 문제///-----///「전 세계 인구의 2%만 풀 수 있을 것이라는 문제.」 There are 5 houses in 5 different colors. In each house lives a person with a different nationality. The 5 owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar, and keep a certain pet. No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar, or drink the same beverage. The question is: Who owns the fish? Hints:The Brit lives in the red house.T..///*****///